Best Green Hosting Company – Have You Went Green?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

There is a huge trend of going green, everywhere you turn you will commonly see companies that are going green. The environment is very important; web hosting is no different then any other company, they want to save the environment, too. Recently, I have chosen to go green for one simple reason, the youth. If you have kids, chances are you want them to live a long productive life.

Little things that you do each and every day can really help out the environment. Thankful everyone seems to be going green. You know what I am talking about? Thankfully web hosting companies are going green, as well.

Maybe, you are feeling guilty about contributing to the hole is the ozone. Have your currently stopped your old habits and and started going green? For whatever reason you should go green when choosing your web hosting service. Wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectric dams are the most common ways in which hosting companies have started going green. The web hosting site will proudly display or state what form they are using by going green, for their company.

You might think that just just because a web hosting company has went green, that they are going to charge you an arm and leg. This is now true. The most common shared web hosting plans typically cost anywhere from $9 to $10 dollars per month. This is a only a couple extra dollars a month and you are doing a very good thing by helping preserve the environment. If you are using dedicated hosting you are already going to spend a couple hundred dollars a month; what is a couple more dollars more?

The choice is up to you, do you want to contribute to the demise of the environment or do you want to proudly go green?

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Blogger said...

Simple trick to cut your electric bill up to 75%:

Want to know how to easily produce all of the green energy you could ever want right at home?

And you’ll be able to make your home totally immune from power failures, blackouts, and energy grid outages
so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power - you won’t.


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