Protecting Your Sight by Noreen Kassem

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Almost 80% of what we perceive through our sensory abilities comes from our sight. Protect your vision with everyday care for your eyes and overall health.

Smoking not only causes irritating smoke that harm the eyes (and causes a host of other serious health problems); medical studies show that the density of eye pigments in the retina that are essential to healthy vision actually decreased as smoking increased. These eye pigments are called macular pigments and also protect the retina by their antioxidant capabilities and by shielding the eyes from harmful UV radiation. Smoking ultimately increases the risk of eye disorders including cataracts, dry eyes, macular degeneration and retinopathy.

Vitamins A, C and E all offer benefits for overall eye health. Vitamin A can help to reduce the risks of cataracts and night blindness and a deficiency has been implicated in blindness and corneal ulcers. Vitamin C reduces pressure in glaucoma, slows age-related degeneration (AMD) and prevents cataracts. Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant that is highly concentrated in the lens of the eye and used by the muscles of the eye. Vitamin E helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Vitamin A is found in leafy, dark green or orange vegetables such as spinach and carrots and in animal products. Crucial sources of vitamin E include nuts such as almonds, seeds, grains, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.

Two important antioxidants for eye health that must be acquired in the diet are lutein and zeaxanthin. They are found in leafy, green vegetables such as spinach, kale and fresh parsley and in yellow fruits and vegetables such as squash and corn.

Minerals are needed to help the body metabolize vitamins and balance nutrition and hormones. Critical minerals for eye health include zinc and selenium. Other important supplements for eye health are lutein, bioflavonoids and carotenoid.

Natural supplements for eye health inlcude bilberry, which contains antioxidant compounds that help maintain the strength and structure of eye capillaries. Grape seed extract is a natural powerful antioxidant. Proanthocyanidins are also recommended for their powerful vascular strengthening abilites and antioxidant activity.

Eye Health Tips:

  • Wear a pair of ultraviolet proof sunglasses whenever you are outdoors, even on cloudy days. Doctors recommend wearing sunglasses all year round, not just during the summer.
  • Eat a healthy diet: fresh deep green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains, deep-water fish, eggs, chicken and turkey with little red meat. Avoid refined, processed foods high in sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavorings and colorings. Eat plenty of berries, watermelon, carrots, citrus fruits, almonds and olive oil.
  • Avoid toxins that are used in foods such as aspartame, MSG, steroids and hormones.
  • If you are diabetic, keep blood sugar levels under strict control and get regular check ups

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