Tips on how to stop smoking

Thursday, June 18, 2009

t's hard to quit smoking, but it's also the most effective way to ward off lung cancer (as well as a host of other diseases). While even former smokers do get the disease, their risk is lower than that of active smokers, so remember, it's never too late to quit.

  • Don't toss your butts right away. Experts suggest making a plan rather than quitting impulsively. Pick a time when you aren't likely to face other big life stresses but also are busy enough that you're not going to be sitting around with little to do other than miss your cigarettes.
  • Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate. Most smokers have specific "triggers" that signal that it's time to smoke. For some, it's the first cup of coffee in the morning; others can't imagine spending time with certain friends without smoking together. So remove as many cues as possible--cut out the coffee for a while, hang out more with your nonsmoking friends, or meet your smoking buddies in places where you aren't allowed to smoke. Even a favorite easy chair may be a trigger, especially if it smells like smoke. Sit elsewhere!
  • Consider pharmacological help. People who use nicotine replacements like gum and patches are almost twice as successful at quitting as those who don't. Some antidepressants, including buproprion, sold under the name Zyban, also can be effective as antismoking aids.
  • Don't get discouraged. Most people make several attempts before finally quitting for good. Don't beat yourself up if you backslide; just try to figure out what went wrong, and pick a new quit date.

For more on how to stop, see our smoking cessation guide. The federal government (see and many state governments have programs that offer tips and plans on how to quit. Good counseling should include information, motivation, and tips and can be done over the phone as well as in person.

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