Get Serious! Get Prepared for Eye Exams

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thanks to the internet, today we may be able to perform an online eye exam in order to determine if we require lenses or not. If the results determine that you do require lenses, then you will have to follow an eye exam chart, so the ophthalmologist can determine how serious your defect is. So, let's learn more about eye exam results and its benefits

What Is An Eye Exam?

An eye exam is a medical evaluation of your optical globes in order to determine if there are any problems with them. Usually, we consider that the solution for all the ailments that an eye can suffer is the use of lenses, but that is an incorrect appreciation. Lenses are only but one solution. There are conditions for which a pair of glasses won't do any good.

The most basic kind of exam that every professional does to a patient consists of an external eye exam and a visual acuity exam. In the case of the external eye exam, the specialist will inspect your eyelids, the tissue surrounding it, the conjunctiva, the sclerathe, the cornea and the iris. As you can see, there are several things to check in an eye, like the refraction eye exam or the laser safety eye exam.

In the case of the visual acuity exam, the examination is a bit different. You won't be revised for any sign of physical deterioration, but for your eye performance. That is, how well are you able to see and notice things at different distances. After you have been checked, the ophthalmologist will determine if you require any kind of further tests.

For example, one of them is an ophthalmoscopy, which detects if a patient has cataracts. This test lets the doctor look directly to the retina and the tissue that is located in the back of the eye. In order to perform this test, a special kind of eye drops need to be used in the patient eyes. These eye drops have the ability to dilate the pupil, making the examination much easier.

Another kind of test is the intraocular pressure. The intention of this test is to determine the amount of outflow, and the resistance of the outflow, of the aqueous humour of the eye. As you may have noticed, there are certain tests that an online eye exam won't be able to cover

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