Eye health – tips to keep your eyes healthy and happy

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Human eye is an amazing and delicate mechanism. And eye health is important for everybody. Keeping your eyes healthy is really not that difficult, just follow the simple tips below and your eyes will feel good.

1. Have an eye exam at least every 12 month.

Over a year your prescription can change and you might need different lenses. If you feel that lenses are not as comfortable as they used to be, it is possible that your eyesight changed and you need different correction. In this case see your doctor even it has been less than a year since your last visit.

2. Working at the computer? Give your eyes a health break.

  • Every 5-10 minutes look away from your screen and focus on a far away object. It helps to readjust the focus of your eyes

  • Every now and then close your eyes for a few second, it remoistenes eyes and prevents dryness. Also try to blink more often

  • If you feel that you can’t stare at the screen anymore take a small break, get up, walk a little. It is recommended that you take 10 minutes off every hour you work on the computer, not only for the health of your eyes, but for your legs and back as well.

  • Make sure the light isn’t too bright, if using a desk lamp it shouldn’t shine into your eyes or on the screen. It is best to put it sideways

contact lenses for healthy eyes

3. What you eat is important for your eye health

There are books written about how nutrition affects the health of your eyes. However it all can be summarized in a few words.Vitamins are very important for healthy eyes particularly vitamins A, C, B and E. One more reason to like veggies and fruits, especially all citruses and carrots. Zinc is also associated with healthy eyes.

4. Take proper care of your contact lenses

  • Wash your hands before inserting or removing lenses· Insert your lens over a clean towel, so if it drops your can easily find it and it is still clean

  • Cleanse, Rinse, Disinfect your lenses after removal and before wearing them again

  • Use standard lens cleaning solution, homemade solutions would never be as sterile

  • Clean and rinse your lens case often

There is much more to eye health of course, but if you follow those guidelines your eyes will be happy and healthy.

5. Clean your contact lens case

Many people take proper care of their lenses, but neglect the lens case. Contact lens case can collect all kinds of bacteria, so you should wash it often. Wash your case with soap and rinse with boiled water.It is also recommended to replace your contact lens case every three month.

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