Protecting Your Sight by Noreen Kassem

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Almost 80% of what we perceive through our sensory abilities comes from our sight. Protect your vision with everyday care for your eyes and overall health.

Smoking not only causes irritating smoke that harm the eyes (and causes a host of other serious health problems); medical studies show that the density of eye pigments in the retina that are essential to healthy vision actually decreased as smoking increased. These eye pigments are called macular pigments and also protect the retina by their antioxidant capabilities and by shielding the eyes from harmful UV radiation. Smoking ultimately increases the risk of eye disorders including cataracts, dry eyes, macular degeneration and retinopathy.

Vitamins A, C and E all offer benefits for overall eye health. Vitamin A can help to reduce the risks of cataracts and night blindness and a deficiency has been implicated in blindness and corneal ulcers. Vitamin C reduces pressure in glaucoma, slows age-related degeneration (AMD) and prevents cataracts. Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant that is highly concentrated in the lens of the eye and used by the muscles of the eye. Vitamin E helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Vitamin A is found in leafy, dark green or orange vegetables such as spinach and carrots and in animal products. Crucial sources of vitamin E include nuts such as almonds, seeds, grains, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.

Two important antioxidants for eye health that must be acquired in the diet are lutein and zeaxanthin. They are found in leafy, green vegetables such as spinach, kale and fresh parsley and in yellow fruits and vegetables such as squash and corn.

Minerals are needed to help the body metabolize vitamins and balance nutrition and hormones. Critical minerals for eye health include zinc and selenium. Other important supplements for eye health are lutein, bioflavonoids and carotenoid.

Natural supplements for eye health inlcude bilberry, which contains antioxidant compounds that help maintain the strength and structure of eye capillaries. Grape seed extract is a natural powerful antioxidant. Proanthocyanidins are also recommended for their powerful vascular strengthening abilites and antioxidant activity.

Eye Health Tips:

  • Wear a pair of ultraviolet proof sunglasses whenever you are outdoors, even on cloudy days. Doctors recommend wearing sunglasses all year round, not just during the summer.
  • Eat a healthy diet: fresh deep green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains, deep-water fish, eggs, chicken and turkey with little red meat. Avoid refined, processed foods high in sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavorings and colorings. Eat plenty of berries, watermelon, carrots, citrus fruits, almonds and olive oil.
  • Avoid toxins that are used in foods such as aspartame, MSG, steroids and hormones.
  • If you are diabetic, keep blood sugar levels under strict control and get regular check ups

Read more:

Eye Health: 10 Tips for Small Pets Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

10 Eye Health Tips

To best maintain your small pet's eye health, look daily for these tell-tale signs of unhealthy eyes:

  • Cloudiness (lack of clarity)
  • Dullness (no shine or sparkle to the eyes)

  • Discharge/watery eyes

  • Matted fur around eyes

  • Foreign objects in eye

  • Swollen eyelids

  • Sunken or protruding eyes

  • Inability or unwillingness to open the eye

  • Pawing at the eye
Because your small pet is a prey animal in nature, he will instinctively hide signs of sickness to avoid appearing weak. By the time your pet exhibits signs that you recognize, he is likely very sick. Don't wait to contact your veterinarian if your pet exhibits any of the above signs.

Follow these 10 tips to help ensure your small pet's eye health:

  1. Locate your small pet's cage in a draft-free area with constant temperatures. Drafts can dry eyes out, and temperature fluctuation can stress your pet.

  2. Keep your pet's cage clean and dry.

    Drs. Foster & Smith Aspen Bedding

  3. Avoid bedding with aromatic oils, such as cedar. These may irritate eyes. Aspen bedding or shredded paper is a better choice.

  4. Avoid dusty bedding and litter (if applicable), as dust can easily get in eyes.

  5. Feed nutritious foods and treats.

  6. Complement your small pet's diet with nutritious supplements, for overall health.

  7. Ensure that clean, fresh water is always available.

  8. Provide plenty of opportunities for exercise.

  9. Avoid toys and cages with sharp edges/pointed ends that could accidentally injure eyes.

  10. Provide safe, quiet hideaways and sleeping areas.

Five Tips for Good Eye Health

We are fast becoming a health conscious society by engaging in exercise and proper nutrition. However, one area in which we often lack the same motivation is our eye health. Our eyes are the windows to the world, and ensuring maintenance, protection and prevention against disease should also be part and parcel of our overall health. Here are five tips for good eye health.

Computers are the number one method of communication today. Consequently, we may be spending up to eight hours or more a day in front of a computer either at work, or as a home-based business. In addition, we strive to strengthen the security of our data through newly acquired software. Conversely, what steps do we take to secure and strengthen our eyes? After all, the strain imposed upon them subtly creeps up and we find it more and more difficult to read the small print. Thus, the importance of eye exams cannot be overstated. Yearly check-ups should be a part of our overall desire to keep our eyes in focus.

UV Ray Protection
Summer is the time when most folks visit the beach regularly. In addition, outdoor activities during hot summer days is something everyone looks forward to, right? The problem is we do not always consider the damage the sun’s UV rays have on our eyes. The use of proper sunglasses can prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Purchase appropriate sunglasses that have 100% ultra-violet ray protection.

Vitamin A
Include vitamin A supplements or foods in your diet regimen. Whether you choose fruits or vegetables or both, this can help enormously in the prevention of eye disease. If you didn’t like carrots as a kid, you can blend them with a favorite fruit and make a delicious drink out of it.

Now is the time to quit. Smoking is directly related to loss of vision. Cataracts and age-related macular degeneration are two diseases caused by smoking.

Exercise and good nutrition
Eating vegetables and fruits, as well as fish and other healthy foods, can decrease your risk of developing eye disease. Exercise not only helps the circulation, but increases your overall health. Blood tests to determine if you have the onset of diabetes is also important since diabetes can cause eye problems later on.

As most of us engage in finding new ways to improve our overall health, eye health is just as important and should not be overlooked. If you have a job that requires you to sit in front of a computer all day, take time out away from the monitor. The first time you find yourself squinting or experience blurry vision or night blindness, make an appointment with your ophthalmologist. Proper diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions is the first line of defence.

Helpful Tips on Eye Care

With so many of us spending lots of time in front of the computer every day it comes to no surprise that research is showing a rise in visual problems. What can one do? First, it’s important to find out how you can protect your eyes through eye health exams and by making a few minor changes in your computer viewing habits.

Here are some helpful Eye Care Tips -

Positioning is everything

Correct positioning of your computer, keyboard and typing copy is essential. Your screen should be positioned about an arm’s length from your eyes and 20 degrees below eye level. Consider foot and wrist rests for added comfort.

Lighting can make all the difference

Room lighting should be diffuse, not direct, to reduce glare and reflections from your screen. Look into an internal or external glare screen and be sure to set your colour, contrast and brightness levels to suit you.

A little extra help for your glasses

Anti-reflective coatings on the lenses of your glasses can be applied by your optometrist to reduce discomfort and to ease reduced vision from bright and/or flickering light sources such as VDTs and fluorescent lights. And don’t forget, your doctor of optometry can talk to you about eyeglasses designed specifically for people who use computers a lot.Take time out, our 20-20-20 rule

Step I :-
After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your
head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This
changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step II :-
Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :-
Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes
of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.

It’s all in the blinking

Did you know that on average we blink 12 times per minute? But wait, did you know that when we’re on the computer we only blink 5 times per minute? That can add up to dry eyes. Relieve the discomfort by using artificial tear drops or gels and remember to blink!


Sit straight at your workstation and rub your palms against each other till you feel them warm. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax tired eyes. Then, lightly cup your eyes with your palms and relax for 60 seconds. Count the seconds in your mind. Repeat this exercise two to three times whenever your eyes feel tired, or as often as you want. While palming, you can either rest your elbows on your desk or keep away from the desk and cup your eyes. Both ways are fine.

Splash water on your face

During breaks, splash water on your face while closing your eyes. This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed.

Use tea bags

Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces puffiness.

Eat healthy

Incorporate Vitamins A, C, and E on a daily basis; eat citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, tomatoes, spinach, poultry and dairy products. Pack a box of chopped carrots, cucumber and fresh fruits and munch in-between meals at the office.

Natural Health and Eye Care

Take Care Of Your Eyes With Natural Eye Health Medicine

Your eyes are said to be the window of your soul. The way you perceive the entire world is heavily dependent on your eyes. So not having good eye health means more than not being able to read signs; it means you could be greatly misperceiving the world around you. That is the reality of eye health neglect. Our eyes bring so much to our lives. They are used to work with and to see the world around us. Natural eye health is the proactive way of taking care of your eyes. Working on computer screens can strain your eyes, making them red and painful. Natural eyes care teaches you the best way to take care of your eyes, which starts with your rebuilding and maintaining all the membranes in your eyes. It is important to understand that proper and effective eye care starts inside. While a carrot can help, it alone cannot mend all the damage that your eyes sustain on a daily basis. And natural eye health methods will educate you on the type of foods you can consume so that your eyes do not sustain consistent cellular damage every day. It is sad to think that our eyes work so hard for us, yet we do so little to take care of them. We just expect them to do everything, yet we selfishly neglect them. If you want your eyes to stay strong in the future, then you need to do the work now. There is no better time to start learning about natural eye health. That way you will find the methods that will help you keep your eyes healthy before they begin to deteriorate. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you didn’t have your eyes? Think about it. It is a small investment to make for something that does so much for you. Enjoy and take pride in the fact that you live a naturally healthy lifestyle and that you know that you are taking care of all your body’s assets.

The solution to PC eyestrain

Ever wondered why your eyes get tired when you work in front of your computer? An IT professional explains why this happens.

Most people use CRT (Cathode Ray Tubes) screens like TV screens. These screens have a single electron ray that has to light up dot after dot, line after line. It does this at a certain speed. With TV it is 50 Hz (50 screen scans per second) and with PC's it's 50 to 60 Hz by default. This 'refreshing' of the screen is why TV and computer screens flicker. This flicker can cause tremendous eye strain and headaches in some people.

If you have a laptop or 'flat' screen, then you don't have this problem, because they don't flicker at all. Now if you read carefully you would have noticed I mentioned "by default" - more often than not the Refresh Rate on a PC screen can be adjusted to a higher frequency - of 85 Hz or more.

This reduces the flicker and the irritation and associated symptoms considerably. The sad thing is, when technical people set up PCs, they very seldom set the refresh rate to it's maximum ("optimal") rate and the user then works with the 50-60Hz refresh rate for ever after.

How to adjust the refresh rate on your PC

  • Both the display adapter driver and monitor driver for your PC must be installed. If they are not installed, you may not be able to change your refresh rate. Contact the person who set up your PC or find and install it yourself.

  • Right-click the desktop, click "Properties", then the "Settings" tab and then on "Advanced". Under the "Adapter" and "Monitor" tabs you'll find what drivers are installed. If it says "Default", then your driver is not installed.

  • If your drivers are installed, you'll also find the drop-down where you can see and select a new refresh rate. When you change it, Windows asks you if you want to keep the new rate.

  • If you don't say "yes", it reverts back to the previous refresh rate after about 15 seconds. This happens in case the refresh rate cannot be handled by the screen.

  • The easiest of course is to just call your technical support person and have your drivers installed and refresh rate set optimally.

– (Percival Burger, IT professional)

Useful resources:

South African Optometric Association
Tel: 011 805 4517

South African National Council for the Blind
Tel: 012 452 3811

Retina South Africa
Tel: 011 622 4904

Nature's Top 10 Eye Health Tips

We often hear that our eyes are the windows to our soul. While some may debate this, we can all agree they are the windows to our world. Vision is our primary sense and without it, most of us would have a hard time adapting. We could certainly learn to function without our eyesight, but it would be very difficult for the majority of us who have relied on our eyes to interpret what is happening around us from the moment we first opened them as newborns. In this sense, our vision is extremely important, yet it is probably one of the most neglected areas of our health. Unless we have a problem, we simply don't think too much about our eyesThe reality however is that in 1991 alone, Statistics Canada reported that 635,000 Canadians had a "seeing disability". In 2001, doctors preformed approximately 244,766 cataract operations in Canada. And according to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) at least 300,000 Canadians are affected with glaucoma, 50 percent of who are totally unaware of their disease. More recent studies show an estimated 80,000 Canadians are currently affected by Age-related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), the leading cause of blindness as we age, and this number is growing at a rate of 10,000 per year.

The good news is that like most aspects of our health, there are ways to prevent eye-related disease. It is also important to remember that aging itself doesn't necessarily mean your eyesight will automatically diminish, although as you age, certain changes can undoubtedly occur that may weaken your eyesight. So, taking care of your eyes now, before there is a problem, is the best way to assure optimal eye health as you get older. Here are a few natural ways to keep on top of your vision.

Nature's Top 10 Eye Tips

Fish Oil: What you eat is especially important when it comes to eye health. Fish oil, which is full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, is extremely important for eye health. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fat found in fish, has been shown in studies to help protect and promote healthy retinal function. DHA is naturally concentrated in the retina of the eye and is found in many studies to be particularly useful for preventing ARMD.

Lutein: Lutein is one of over 600 known naturally occurring carotenoids (including Vitamin A, known to help improve night vision and prevent cataracts). Lutein is found in the macula, (the retinal region of the eye responsible for fine visual activities) and functions as a powerful antioxidant that helps protect our eyes from damage caused by free radicals that break down healthy tissue. Lutein is also responsible for filtering blue light, which along with ultraviolet light, can damage your eyes. Studies reported in the British Journal of Nutrition and the Canadian Medical Association Journal show lutein may be effective in preventing such things as cataracts and could potentially help to improve overall vision in some people. Green, leafy vegetables, including kale, collard greens, spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are very high in lutein. As well, egg yolks are a very good source. Because lutein is an oil-soluble nutrient however, it is important to eat lutein -rich foods along with a little oil or butter so your body can effectively absorb it. If drinking vegetable juice, you can add a small amount of cod liver oil to maximize lutein absorption (along with other important nutrients).

Dark Berries: Dark colored berries are full of bioflavonoids, which are especially good for eye health. The European blueberry, also known as bilberry, is specifically shown in studies to prevent and even reverse ARMD in some cases. Bilberry contains anthocyanoside, a substance shown to help strengthen blood vessel walls, reduce inflammation and stabilize collagen-containing tissues such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments. One study reported May 2007 in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science shows anthocyanin-enriched bilberry extracts can effectively reduce the production of free radicals in retinal cells. Other useful berries include blueberries, cherries and cranberries, which also help improve eye health by strengthening the capillaries that carry nutrients to eye muscles and nerves.

Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo is actually one of the oldest living tree species, its health benefits dating back to ancient times. Today, ginkgo is the top medicine prescribed in France and Germany. While ginkgo is widely known for improving memory and circulation to the brain, the flavonoids in ginkgo are also shown in studies to help halt or lessen some retinal problems. One Study published in 2003 in Ophthalmology, suggests gingko may help preserve and improve vision in some cases of people suffering from normal tension glaucoma (NTG). One report published this month in Nutrition Reviews further suggests that phyotochemicals such as those found in gingko, may help prevent or delay the progression of such things as cataracts, glaucoma and ARMD. Ginkgo is also known to benefit the eyes by improving blood flow and thus oxygen to the head.

Grape Seed Extract: Grape seeds contain procyanidins, a substance known to increase the effectiveness of other antioxidants (especially vitamins C and E.), which can protect against ARMD and cataracts. Grape seed extract is also shown to be useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer as it is thought to reduce eyestrain and improve contrast vision.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are high in lycopene, another powerful carotenoid shown to prevent ARMD, cataracts and other eye disorders. Tomatoes are also high in the antioxidants vitamins C and A, which neutralize dangerous free radicals that damage cells and cause inflammation.

Goji Berries: Goji berries are high in vitamin C, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, all of which are very important for optimal eye health. Zeaxanthin, like lutein, is a powerful carotenoid known to prevent macular degeneration. Goji berries are one of the richest sources of zeaxanthin known.

Vitamin B12: B12 plays an essential role in such things as folate metabolism, myelin synthesis and the normal development of red blood cells within the eye. A lack of vitamin B12 can leave the optic nerve more susceptible to damage.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant thought to protect against ARMD and uveitis (inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye between the sclera and the retina). Studies further show vitamin E may protect against cataracts linked to ultraviolet radiation.

Green Tea: Green tea is yet another potent antioxidant thought to be helpful in the treatment of various degenerative eye disorders including diabetic retinopathy.

While there are many other foods and supplements that can help protect your eyes from disease, by simply eating healthy and avoiding processed foods, you can make a significant difference in your overall health. Remember to always drink plenty of water, which will keep your eyes hydrated and flush out toxins. As well, it is important to have your eyes checked regularly.

9 Eye Health Tips

Read these tips for keeping your eyes healthy and your vision at its best.

Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam. You might think your vision is fine or that your eyes are healthy, but visiting your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really make sure. When it comes to refractive errors, some people don't realize they aren't seeing as well as they could with glasses or contact lenses. In terms of eye disease, many common eye diseases (glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macular degeneration) often have no warning signs. Your eye care professional is the only one who can determine if your eyes are healthy and if you're seeing your best.

Eat right to protect your sight. You've heard carrots are good for your eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or collard greens is important for keeping your eyes healthy, too. Research has also shown there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing diabetes and other systemic conditions which can lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease or glaucoma. If you are having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, talk to your doctor.

Wear protective eyewear. Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home. Protective eyewear includes safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards specially designed to provide the correct protection for a certain activity. Most protective eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is 10 times stronger than other plastics. Many eye care providers sell protective eyewear, as do sporting goods stores.

Quit smoking or never start. Smoking is as bad for your eyes as it is for the rest of your body. Research has linked smoking to increased risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataract and optic nerve damage, all of which can lead to blindness.

Be cool and wear your shades. Sunglasses are a great fashion accessory, but their most important job is to protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays. When purchasing sunglasses, look for ones that block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation.

Give your eyes a rest. If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any one thing, your eyes can get fatigue and you sometimes forget to blink. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can help reduce eyestrain.

Clean your hands and your contact lenses...properly. To avoid the risk of infection, always wash your hands thoroughly before putting in or taking out your contact lenses. Make sure to disinfect them as instructed and replace them as appropriate.

Know your family's eye health history. Talk to your family about their eye health history. It's important to know if anyone has been diagnosed with a disease or condition since many are often hereditary. This will help you determine if you are at higher risk for developing an eye disease or condition.

Improve Your Eyesight - Can it Really Be Done Naturally

In order to improve your eyesight, the only options we have ever had were to wear glasses, contact lenses, or have eye surgery in order to correct your vision. I had NO clue that you COULD improve your eyesight naturally. Let's face it, that isn't something your eye doctor is going to share with you. That would put him out of business.

So, can you really improve your eyesight naturally?

Up until recently, I thought the only way to actually improve your eyesight so that it can revert back to 20/20 was through having surgery. Eyeglasses just help you see at that moment but what they are really doing is all the work for your eyes. They are just a temporary fix.

Surgery will correct the problem, but once again, another temporary fix. It doesn't mean that you will see perfectly for the rest of your life. If you don't correct the problem, it will always continue to reappear.

You can improve your eyesight naturally and this is not something new. Unless you go searching for answers, you will never find the solution. The methods for improving your eyesight have been around as early as the 1880's.

It has been proven and documented that by doing some simple exercises and techniques on a daily basis, people have improved their eyesight back to its original 20/20 vision. If you really think about it, your body needs exercise in order to stay fit and healthy. Why would your eyes be any different. I just never knew you could actually improve your eyesight through these simple and easy techniques.

To sum this up, you can improve your eyesight back to its original 20/20 vision. It has been proven since 1880 and now is available for all to learn.

Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. To read more about these methods.

How to Naturally Improve Your Vision

Were you aware that the major cause of poor vision is stress and strain on your eyes! Most people feel that it is hereditary and that poor vision just runs in the family. Let's face it, if you go around thinking that you will eventually have poor vision because your parents did, then you are stressing over the fact that you will eventually have to wear glasses. We all know what stress can do to your body.

So how can you naturally improve your vision? There are several ways to go about naturally improving your vision and one of them starts with something very simple. Something we all probably don't take into account enough.

Have you ever been reading something and you realize that you have a frown on your face. When I find myself reading or working on something very interesting, the next thing you know I have a big frown on my forehead. That is from either thinking really hard about what you are working on or maybe the story got real exciting that you are reading. You may be saying to yourself about now, "how am I suppose to control my reactions to certain things when I don't really realize that I'm doing them"! I know, it's kind of hard for me to catch myself. But once you realize that these types of things can help you more than hurt you, you become more aware.

If you work on the computer a lot, try to take more breaks. We all lead very busy lives and deadlines are a part of that. But if never taking a break because we need to finish our project is going to hurt us in the long run more than help us, don't you think your health is more important than your project. I have a friend that is practically working herself to death right now and the sad thing is that her health is deteriorating so fast that she won't be around to enjoy her retirement if she doesn't slow down now.

If you want to naturally improve your vision, take the steps now that will help you instead of hurt you. Take more breaks during the day, close your eyes and think of pleasant things more often, get a good night sleep, think happier thoughts throughout your day, eat better, exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Those are a few things that can start helping you today instead of hurting you more later on.

Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

Having had poor eyesight herself from many hours of computer work, she was thrilled to learn of these amazing methods that have improved her eyesight. If you would like to learn more about the methods mentioned above, please be sure to visit Vision Without Glasses today.

3 Eye Exercises to Improve Your Vision

Are you having trouble improving your eyesight through conventional means? Try eye exercises.

Just about 4 years ago, I undergo LASIK surgery in an attempt to improve my eyesight - despite its many possible side effects. My eyesight did improve but my joy lasted only a few months. My eyesight soon deteriorated and it became worse than it was before the surgery.

Here's my point: LASIK corrects only the symptom of a much bigger underlying problem. That problem, according to Bates, is the straining of the eye muscles. If you want perfect eyesight, there's only one you can do - relax your eye muscles. One of the best ways to do that, in my opinion, is doing eye exercises.

Here are 3 of them for you to start off:

  1. Palming. This is one of the most beneficial "eye exercises" that you do for your eyes. First place your right palm on your right eye and do the same for your left eye. Do it in such a way that your left fingers is on top of your right fingers. Be careful not to be pressing your eyes and make sure there's as little light reaching your eyes as possible. This "eye exercise" relaxes your eyes muscles and you should do it every time your eyes feel strained and tired.
  2. Focusing. Place two pebbles (stones or anything like that) about 30 cm apart. If you have perfect eyesight, you shouldn't have a problem with looking at one of them only. People who are myopic, on the other hand, would see both pebbles at once. While you're trying to focus, remember to take it easy, breathe deeply and blink!
  3. Would someone who have broken a leg be able to start walking again if he continues to use his crutches? No! Although technically not an exercise, you should significantly cut down the amount of time you wear your glasses whenever it's safe to do so. This allows your eyes time to adjust and recover

Get Serious! Get Prepared for Eye Exams

Thanks to the internet, today we may be able to perform an online eye exam in order to determine if we require lenses or not. If the results determine that you do require lenses, then you will have to follow an eye exam chart, so the ophthalmologist can determine how serious your defect is. So, let's learn more about eye exam results and its benefits

What Is An Eye Exam?

An eye exam is a medical evaluation of your optical globes in order to determine if there are any problems with them. Usually, we consider that the solution for all the ailments that an eye can suffer is the use of lenses, but that is an incorrect appreciation. Lenses are only but one solution. There are conditions for which a pair of glasses won't do any good.

The most basic kind of exam that every professional does to a patient consists of an external eye exam and a visual acuity exam. In the case of the external eye exam, the specialist will inspect your eyelids, the tissue surrounding it, the conjunctiva, the sclerathe, the cornea and the iris. As you can see, there are several things to check in an eye, like the refraction eye exam or the laser safety eye exam.

In the case of the visual acuity exam, the examination is a bit different. You won't be revised for any sign of physical deterioration, but for your eye performance. That is, how well are you able to see and notice things at different distances. After you have been checked, the ophthalmologist will determine if you require any kind of further tests.

For example, one of them is an ophthalmoscopy, which detects if a patient has cataracts. This test lets the doctor look directly to the retina and the tissue that is located in the back of the eye. In order to perform this test, a special kind of eye drops need to be used in the patient eyes. These eye drops have the ability to dilate the pupil, making the examination much easier.

Another kind of test is the intraocular pressure. The intention of this test is to determine the amount of outflow, and the resistance of the outflow, of the aqueous humour of the eye. As you may have noticed, there are certain tests that an online eye exam won't be able to cover

Exercises For the Eyes

Staring and straining or the worse things you can do to your eyes. After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out does nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three exercises designed to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually became less clear and blurry.

Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don't stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don't focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.

The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don't move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.

Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don't force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.

The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress. The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight for years to come.

Top Tips For Dealing with Eye Floaters

Some people will experience some objects or threads crossing their field of vision at times. That is called floaters .Mostly they are harmless but it is better to consult a doctor even in that case. There is permanent cure for this floater but hardly people take treatments for this disease. If you happen to hear the descriptions like something flying before my eyes, across my eyes from your dear ones then explain them about floaters This article will be helpful in your pursuit.This article covers

  • Am I At Risk For Floaters Eye?
  • What Exactly Are Eye Floaters?
  • How Harmful Are Eye Floater?
  • When To Call Your Doctor
  • Preventative Cure for Eye Floaters
Floaters in the eye are often experienced as “objects” or “shadows” that cross in front of a person’s field of vision. Most floaters are harmless and will go away without any treatment. A cure for eye floaters is available, although no treatment is recommended for the majority of cases.
Am I At Risk For Floaters Eye?
“Floaters Eye” is more common than most people think. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI) floaters seem to be a normative part of the aging process. About 50% of people over the age of 70 report seeing eye floaters and it is not uncommon for floaters to occur in anyone over the age of 40. Floaters are also more common in people who fit into one or more of the categories listed below:
  • Diabetics
  • Nearsightedness (myopia)
  • Pregnant women
  • Cataract surgery patients
What Exactly Are Eye Floaters?
Sometimes floaters are caused by broken blood vessels in the eye sustained from an injury, but the most common eye floater causes are a normal part of the aging process. Protein floaters in eye are usually caused by tiny bits of solid tissue that collect in the Vitreous Gel of the eye. Approximately 80% of the eyes volume is vitreous gel. The vitreous gel is the thick clear fluid that fills the eyeball. When we are young the vitreous is a firm, almost solid, gelatinous substance. As we age, the vitreous turns to liquid. The process of the vitreous transitioning from a solid like gel into a more liquid form is called Syneresis. During the syneresis process, some of the more solid vitreous tissue or “floaters” cast a shadow on the retina as they pass by. Although the floaters are actually clear, it is the shadow that gives them the appearance of being dark. They are experienced as dark specks, cobwebs, globs, strings, dots, clusters or specks.
How Harmful Are Eye Floater?
Floaters in the eye can be annoying and distracting; they usually are not a sign of more serious eye problems. Although most floaters will disappear after a while, in reality they don’t actually go away. What happens is that you simply get used to them and your brain filters them out. It is very much like what happens to our sense of smell when you put on cologne or perfume. When you first put it on it is very noticeable. As you wear it, you get used to the smell and it barley registers to you at all, although other people can easily pick up the aroma.

In rare cases, eye floaters can be a sign of more serious problems related to your eye health such as a vitreous hemorrhage (retinal bleeding), carotid artery disease, diabetic retinopathy, and a retinal detachment or tear. If you experience any of the following symptoms call your physician and schedule an examination immediately.
When To Call Your Doctor
  • Decreased or impaired vision due to floaters
  • Sudden appearance of black dots that block vision
  • A large number of “big” floaters
  • An rapid increase in the amount of floaters over a period of minutes or hours
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Headaches or pain followed by the appearance of floaters
  • A blow to the head followed by an increase in the amount of floaters

Eye Health Tips

Your eyes are one of the most important organs in the body. Maintaining eye health should be a top priority. Diseases, allergies, infection, and injury can all cause serious problems for the eyes. Doing everything you can to prevent eye injury is imperative. Here are some ways you can protect your eyes.

• Stay healthy: There are diseases and conditions that can affect eye health. Some of them are diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure, and autoimmune conditions. You can't control whether you get an autoimmune or thyroid problem, but you can do your best to prevent diabetes and high blood pressure. Living a healthy lifestyle, keeping your weight in a healthy range, and doing what's required if you do have one of these conditions is very important. If you already have a health condition that could impact eye health be sure and follow your doctor's orders and take all medications as prescribed.

• Wear safety glasses: Safety glasses are a must when working around flying objects or with substances that cause dust and debris to float up into the air. Don't complain when your company requires safety glasses when performing your job, they are doing it for you own good.

• Sunglasses: Wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes from the sun's dangerous rays. Ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eye just as much as the skin.

• Contact Lenses: Always clean contact lenses thoroughly between each use. Clean the container that you keep the lenses in often also. It's even a good idea to change it out every few months. Do not put contact lenses in without cleaning your hands first. Use eye wash and refreshers to keep the contact lenses moist. Dirty or dried out contact lenses can damage the eye. Getting dry contacts out of the eyes can cause cuts and scratches that are very painful, often requiring professional care. Dirty lenses can cause eye infections. Practice healthy contact lenses use.

• Allergies: Take allergy medications, stay inside during high pollen or other high pollution days, and go to the eye doctor if allergies get too bad. If the itching, burning, and redness won't go away with over the counter treatment, go to the eye doctor.

• Eye contact: Don't rub or touch your eyes too often. When our eyes itch we automatically want to rub them. Doing this can cause redness and produce a rash around the eye lids. It's better to get a wet washcloth and gently wash the eyes. Doing this every morning upon waking will clean any gunk that's accumulated on the eyes overnight.

• Eye doctor: Go to your eye doctor for yearly checkups. Getting the health of your eye checked once a year plays a very important role in eye health.

Doing all of these things will help you maintain good eye health. Take the health of your eyes seriously. The eyes are your window to the world. Make sure the window stays clean and crack free

Health Tips And Exercises For Healthy Eyes

Prevention is better than cure .This is applicable for eye health too. Eye care is better than eye cure. So do take good care of your eyes. This can be done by taking in lot of vitamins especially vitamin A into your diet. Other diets that are rich in minerals are also good to eyes .Some of the exercises can also ensure good eye health .Follow it.This article covers

  • Types of Vitamins And Minerals To Keep Eyes Health
  • Sources of Minerals and Vitamins
  • Eye Exercises for Suppression
Maintaining eye health improves the quality of life for people throughout their lifespan. Proper eye health care helps slow down the processes associated with ageing such as macular degeneration. It also reduces the likely hood of premature vision loss through strain, disease and accidents. Eye health can be maintained and enhanced through eye exercises and proper nutrition.

Nutrition and eye health appear to be strongly correlated and there are many foods, vitamins and minerals that may make a significant difference in the quality of vision and eye health. There are many eye care tips and eye exercises for suppression available for those interested in preserving their vision. Proper care of vision should begin early by with proper child eye care. This is important because eyestrain can create an additional workload for children who are learning to read.
Types of Vitamins And Minerals To Keep Eyes Health
Vitamins A, E, and C all appear to offer benefits for overall eye health. For example vitamin A may reduce the risks of cataracts and night blindness. Further a deficiency in vitamin A has been implicated in blindness and corneal ulcers. Vitamin E plays a role in the reducing the risk for macular degeneration and cataracts; finally, vitamin C reduces pressure in Glaucoma, slows age related degeneration and provides resistance to cataracts. It appears that vitamins are a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants fight the effects of oxidation that contributes to the destruction of health tissues and is strongly implicated in macular degeneration.
Minerals And Supplements
Minerals and supplements can make a tremendous impact on eye health. Minerals help the body metabolize vitamins. They also help the body balance nutrition and hormones. Though they constitute only a fraction of the bodies’ total composition they have a tremendous influence. Some crucial minerals for eye health are; zinc and selenium. Other crucial supplements are Lutein, Bioflavonoids and carotenoid.

Carotenoids for example, are the pigment in oranges, red and yellow fruits. These pigments counter the effects of prolonged exposures to certain types of light. Carotenoids also convert substances from these foods into vitamin A that provides antioxidant protection. Omega-3 fatty acids such are found in seafood’s are also excellent for eye health, and they are rich in antioxidants.
Sources of Minerals and Vitamins
Food sources appear to be the most beneficial source of vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin C is found in varying quantities in oranges, strawberries, rosehip and broccoli. Vitamin A can be found readily in carrots, sweet potatoes and liver. Vitamin E rich foods are nuts such as almond and hazelnuts. Zinc can be found in red meat, oysters and wheat. Lutein is plentiful in spinach and collard greens. Bioflavonoids are found vitamin C rich foods.

NCL Offers Eye Health Tips for Summer Fun in the Sun; Sunglasses a Necessary Accessory

WASHINGTON, July 10, 1997 -- Sunglasses aren't just accessories for the summer, they are necessary protection for your eyes, according to the National Consumers League. Consumers know about the danger of sun exposure to the skin, but many are unaware that the sun's rays can damage the eyes.

According to experts, UV-A and UV-B radiation can damage vision. Consumers can protect their eyes simply: Wear sunglasses that block out 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B.

"Sunglasses provide one of the best sources of UV protection," says Linda Golodner, president, National Consumers League. "While some UV-absorbing contact lenses are now available, they do not provide adequate protection from UV radiation and should not replace sunglasses. Sunglasses are still needed to cover the entire eye area, including eyelids."

In a new brochure released today and available for free (by calling 800-355-9NCL), NCL offers the following tips for purchasing sunglasses:

  • Check the label for 99 or 100 percent UV protection

  • Look for sunglasses that are close-fitting. These will prevent UV rays from filtering in.

  • Look for larger lenses or wrap-around sunglasses to prevent light from entering in.

  • Don't be misguided by price -- higher priced sunglasses usually reflect fashion or durability, not UV protection.

  • Dark-colored sunglasses don't necessarily provide better protection. A chemical coating applied to the lens is responsible for UV protection, not the lens color.

  • UV-absorbing contact lenses should not be used as substitutes for sunglasses.

  • Children are more prone to sun damage to the eyes because their lenses are clearer.

Studies show that exposure to ultraviolet light can contribute to a number of ocular complications, including: photokeratitis, or "snow blindness"; cataracts; pterygium (a benign, abnormal growth on the eye's surface, which may require surgery if sight is threatened); and macular degeneration.

"As a general rule of thumb, if you're in enough sun to cause a sunburn, you need protection for your eyes," adds Golodner.

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America's pioneer consumer organization. NCL is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to representing consumers on issues of concern including fraud, health care, fair labor standards, food and drug safety, and telecommunications.

CONTACT: Cleo A. Manuel of the National Consumers League, 202-835-3323

Eye health – tips to keep your eyes healthy and happy

Human eye is an amazing and delicate mechanism. And eye health is important for everybody. Keeping your eyes healthy is really not that difficult, just follow the simple tips below and your eyes will feel good.

1. Have an eye exam at least every 12 month.

Over a year your prescription can change and you might need different lenses. If you feel that lenses are not as comfortable as they used to be, it is possible that your eyesight changed and you need different correction. In this case see your doctor even it has been less than a year since your last visit.

2. Working at the computer? Give your eyes a health break.

  • Every 5-10 minutes look away from your screen and focus on a far away object. It helps to readjust the focus of your eyes

  • Every now and then close your eyes for a few second, it remoistenes eyes and prevents dryness. Also try to blink more often

  • If you feel that you can’t stare at the screen anymore take a small break, get up, walk a little. It is recommended that you take 10 minutes off every hour you work on the computer, not only for the health of your eyes, but for your legs and back as well.

  • Make sure the light isn’t too bright, if using a desk lamp it shouldn’t shine into your eyes or on the screen. It is best to put it sideways

contact lenses for healthy eyes

3. What you eat is important for your eye health

There are books written about how nutrition affects the health of your eyes. However it all can be summarized in a few words.Vitamins are very important for healthy eyes particularly vitamins A, C, B and E. One more reason to like veggies and fruits, especially all citruses and carrots. Zinc is also associated with healthy eyes.

4. Take proper care of your contact lenses

  • Wash your hands before inserting or removing lenses· Insert your lens over a clean towel, so if it drops your can easily find it and it is still clean

  • Cleanse, Rinse, Disinfect your lenses after removal and before wearing them again

  • Use standard lens cleaning solution, homemade solutions would never be as sterile

  • Clean and rinse your lens case often

There is much more to eye health of course, but if you follow those guidelines your eyes will be happy and healthy.

5. Clean your contact lens case

Many people take proper care of their lenses, but neglect the lens case. Contact lens case can collect all kinds of bacteria, so you should wash it often. Wash your case with soap and rinse with boiled water.It is also recommended to replace your contact lens case every three month.

Heart Smarts Six steps to avoid a heart attack

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The "big five" risk factors—smoking, family history, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure—all raise your risk for heart attacks, says Marla Mendelson, M.D., a professor of medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. To reduce your risk, she suggests you:

    If someone in your family had cardiovascular disease before age 55, your risk goes up.
    Did we really have to tell you this?
    Do your own cholesterol and blood pressure math. Optimal total cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL, while BP should be no higher than 120/80.
    Get at least five hours of cardio every week.
    Keep fast food to a minimum and stick to a diet high in lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains.
    Stress doesn't hurt as much as the things you do when you're stressed—eat too much, drink too much, and don't exercise. Find healthy ways to handle it.

What To Eat (And Avoid) This Summer

To help you stave off unwanted warm-weather calories, we've compiled a list of the foods you should never order in three popular summer-time locales

by Lindsay Brown


AVOID: No surprise here: that sugar-covered funnel cake is loaded with calories and fat. If you can't resist the pastry, split it with a few friends so the damage is minimal.

BEST BETS: Typically, you want to avoid any meat on a stick that's been dipped in a fryer. One exception: the corn dog. At just 250 calories, it may be the one permissible carnival indulgence. With fewer than 300 calories, kettle corn and corn on the cob (minus the mounds of butter) are also tolerable options.


AVOID: A salted soft pretzel might seem significantly healthier than greasy stadium fare, but it's packed with almost 500 calories and a whopping 101 grams of carbs.

BEST BETS: More and more stadiums are stepping up their game when it comes to concession options, adding healthy items like sushi, sandwich wraps, and fresh fruit to their menus. But even fan favorites such as hot dogs and peanuts are relatively low in calories.


AVOID: Nachos. They may be tasty, but they're drowned in processed cheese and sour cream (for a total of 940 calories and 57 grams of fat). BEST BETS: Enjoy a boardwalk staple: saltwater taffy. Seven pieces contain only about 150 calories. Frozen yogurt in a sugar cone (300 fewer calories than soft-serve ice cream) won't blow up your summer body, eithe

Reduce Health Insurance Costs By Staying Fit

Reduce Health Insurance Costs By Staying Fit

One of the best ways you can keep your health insurance costs down, besides being young, is to keep your body fit and healthy. Here's a few quick things to consider as you make your lifestyle choices.

As Your Weight Rises, so Does Your Health Insurance Costs

Health insurance costs rise as your weight to height ratio (or Body Mass Index, BMI) increases. This is because you run a proportionately higher risk for several weight-related diseases as your weight increases, such as heart disease. If you find that you are overweight or obese according to your BMI, then you might want to consider enrolling in a fitness program. The money you save in health insurance costs might well cover the costs of your fitness program, plus your quality of life would likely improve.

If You Smoke, You Could Be Burning Money By Paying More For Health Insurance

It's true, smoking is another factor that can have a tremendous effect on your health insurance costs. Smoking is a difficult habit to kick, so while an added cost every month for health insurance might not be enough motivation to take the plunge, it can definitely be added to the list of the benefits of being a non-smoker.

Diabetes Raises the Price of Health Insurance

Sometimes diabetes is an unavoidable effect of genetic disposition, but often, especially in the United States where obesity is nearly an epidemic, diabetes is an avoidable factor is rising health insurance costs. This kind of diabetes can be avoided by keeping regular blood sugar levels so that your insulin reservoirs don't get exhausted before their time. That mean eating high-carbohydrate foods in moderation, and eating on a regular basis to avoid over-compensating for lost calories.

Health Insurance is Expensive, But You Can Help Reduce Costs By Being Healthy

Health insurance will likely never be as affordable as we'd like, but there are important choices we can make in our lives that will help reduce its ultimate costs. Healthy living not only reduces health insurance costs, it also reduces doctor bills, increased overall energy levels and as a result improves quality of life. Since a lifetime is finite, it's important to try to live the time we have as best as we can.

Health Clubs vs. Home Training - A Cost Analysis

Health Clubs vs. Home Training - A Cost Analysis

I've thought about the idea of joining a health club for quite a while now, but I've always had this nagging feeling that it's just not going to be worth my money. But as I grow older my health and fitness becomes way more important to me, and I am starting to consider a health club as a viable way to stay in shape.

Let's take a look at the different criteria I can base my decision to join a health club on, starting with finances.

Health Clubs vs. Home-Grown Training, a Cost Analysis

Health clubs can vary in price quite a bit, but for this example I will use the pricing structure for a local health club called "Soul Fitness". This health club costs around $30 / month, with a slight discount if you buy for multiple months at a time. Say I pay monthly for a three full years. That would mean the first year it would cost me about $360 for the first year, $360 for the second year and $360 for the third year, for a total of $1,080.

If I decide to work out at home, instead of buying a health club membership, then there are a couple of things I'm going to need: 1) space and 2) fitness equipment. Given that I have the space, what is the equipment going to cost? Let's say to start with I should get one cardiovascular machine and one weight machine. To keep it versatile, the weight machine will be a simple bench with an incline and enough weights to keep me busy for a while, which would run around $200. For the cardiovascular workout, I go for a middle-quality recumbent exercise bike, which runs me around $200 as well.

Health Clubs vs. Home-Grown Training - Final Costs

If I plan to invest in one new machine every year, at a cost of roughly $200, for the first year home-grown training will cost me $400, for the second year $200, and for the third year $200, for a total of $800 over three years. Over a three year period, home-grown training is more affordable by about 26%! Plus, I get to keep the equipment.

Health Clubs vs. Home-Grown Training - Travel Costs

Of course, by training at home will save on travel costs, since there's no commute to the health club. Say you travel about 5 miles to and 5 miles back from the health club. If your car gets around 25 miles to the gallon, and you exercise 4 times a week, that's about about 1 2/3 gallons of gas a week. If you exercise for 50 weeks out of the year, at a cost per gallon of $2.00, that's a total of $160 a year, making your total cost of home-grown training about 36% less than going to health clubs.

Health Clubs vs. Home-Grown Training - Conclusion

So it seems that home grown training is more cost-effective than buying a membership to a health club, but there are other factors to consider when deciding which route to take. For one, the social aspect of a health club can have a direct effect on how much exercising actually gets done, and the variety of equipment at a health club definitely is is plus. But if costs are your concern, and your concern is general over-all fitness, go with your own equipment instead of a health club and use the extra money to buy some protein bars.

Do I have a Migraine or Not?

t’s the very rare person who has never had a headache. However, all headaches are not created equally. There are various forms and one of the most painful and difficult to handle is the migraine headache.

They are classified as throbbing headaches that occur on only one side of the head. Many migraine sufferers also experience nausea and even vomiting. The pain becomes worse with activity and there is a sensitivity to light and sound.

A person that suffers from ‘classical’ migraines will have what is called an ‘aura’ prior to the actual headache. They will experience sensory disturbances that could include brightly colored blinking lines, flashes of light, dots and black spots that pass in their field of vision. They might also lose a portion of their sight for this short period of time and may only see half of an object. The aura comes about 10 - 30 minutes before the headache and only 10% - 15% of migraineurs have this type of a migraine.

The ‘common’ migraine is what the other 85% - 90% of the people will get. Their warning signs could include a hot sensation in the head, a feeling of heaviness and a tightening sensation throughout the scalp. These warnings can occur anywhere from a few hours to an entire day before the headache commences.

Most doctors will recommend that you keep a symptom diary. This way you will become more in tune with your body and the warning signs it is giving you. Obvious patterns will undoubtedly emerge which will go a long way to helping you prevent future attacks. If you are a woman, and you notice that your headaches come on a regular monthly basis, then it is a good indication that your hormonal levels are in some way triggering your migraine. This type of information can be very helpful in coming up with a treatment plan.

A migraine can last for quite a long time…anywhere from four to seventy-two hours. It starts with a dull, aching pain but then develops to an overwhelming throbbing pain that fluctuates. As mentioned, most sufferers are sensitive to light and sound and need to be in a darkened room. Moving, bending over or sudden movement, can make the pain worse. Some experience nausea to the extent of vomiting. Other changes in the body include diarrhea, increased urination and a loss of appetite.

While the headache is at its worse, the hands and feet can feel extremely cold. However, just before the migraine the head might have felt hot. All these temperature changes are thought to be due to disturbances taking place in the hypothalamus, which is the bodys thermostat.

Instead of experiencing the migraine during a period of stress, it is felt that it actually occurs after a period of intense stress has ended. Some examples would be after the person gets back from vacation, when the weekend is over or shortly after meeting an important deadline. Many people feel completely exhausted when the migraine is all over and they feel unwell for a day or so. Others, however, report feeling a sense of renewal and a surge of energy.

If you think that your headaches are migraines, whether they be of the classical or common variety, then I recommend you visit your health care provider as traditional over-the-counter pain medication will do little to alleviate your severe pain. There is effective treatment available.

Pilates: How Effective is it for Burning Calories?

Pilates has held a certain presence within the fitness media for quite some time. It seems that soccer moms and brides-to-be having been talking up the benefits of Pilates for the past few years.


One thing that people who practice Yoga and Pilates both have in common are the fact that they have a heightened sense of overall awareness when it comes to their bodies. Pilates trains your mind to build symmetry and coordination, both very important to your overall health and well being.

Building a Stronger Core



Though Pilates can help you build a stronger core, that doesn’t mean that you will automatically have flat abs. In order to lose weight in your middle, you must lose weight to begin with. Work on building better flexibility and standing up straighter. These are important aspects of building a stronger core.

Body Control

Body control is extremely important when it comes to building strength and losing weight. You must learn to build body symmetry and how to control your body in such a way that it benefits you and your overall health. Pilates can help with this.

Overall Body Fitness

One of the main benefits of Pilates is the fact that it is good for your body overall. It does not overdevelop some parts of your body. Instead, it trains your body as an integrated whole. It promotes strength and awareness and will help you to properly balance all of your muscle groups.

Everyone Can Benefit From Pilates

It doesn’t matter how old you are or what type of physical condition you’re in, Pilates can benefit you and everyone. It has the most amazing health benefits and those who are at any age of physical fitness level can easily get into Pilates. Once you have strengthened your body’s core, you will find that sitting is much more comfortable. You will also see the results of your Pilates exercise program improve drastically. You will feel more stable when you are walking, standing or sitting. Additionally, you’ll find that you have better posture.

You won’t just be working out some of your muscle groups, but instead will be working out all of your muscle groups.

Stay Comfortable

One of the nice things about Pilates is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Start off by buying a Pilates DVD or checking out a Pilates book from the library. Or, take a class at your local health club, learn the routine and continue doing it at home. Pilates is something you can do individually, with a class or a friend or family member. It often helps to work out with someone or to have a weight loss buddy. It’s extremely beneficial to have someone to share your ups and downs with and to track your progress.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a fitness journal allows you to track your progress easier. Pay close attention to what you’re eating, what exercise you’re doing each day and whether or not your routine is effective. That way, if you suddenly find that you’re not losing weight or as much weight as you think you should be, you can look back and see what you might be able to do differently or what might have changed to cause the sudden weight loss plateau.

How to Grow Taller Naturally - This Works Even If it Seems You Have Stopped Growing

If you are petrified of going under the surgeon's scalpel and rightfully want to avoid taking any steroids in a bid to increase your height then there are many natural ways of increasing your height.

Pay heed to these natural tips on how to grow taller naturally.

Eat a diet that helps your bones. A healthy diet consisting of high proteins and carbohydrates will reach to your cartilages and bones and hence help you to grow taller quickly. Make sure that you also get vital vitamins and essential nutrients such as calcium in your diet. Avoid unhealthy foods that will not help better your health or increase your height. You can go in for natural supplements to supplement your natural diet if the need arises.

Exercise your way to grow taller naturally. Exercises and sports can definitely help you gain those elusive inches provided you do the right ones. Sports such as swimming and cycling as well as participating in track and field events can help stretch out your body to the utmost limit and you might soon notice your shorts getting shorter as time passes by.

Stretch your way up. If you are into weight training at the gym then performing stretching exercises is the best way for a warm up as well as for a stretch-up. Touching your toes and crunches can help stretch your spine while hanging by your fingers or ankles from a horizontal bar can help stretch each limb of your body. Your trainer would be able to help you out by showing you the right way to stretch your body without any problem.

Get into those special shoes. You may be surprised to learn that there are special shoes available in stores and over the Internet that may look normal from outside but would have a special insole and heel inside. These shoes can help boost your height without any problem or effort from your side.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Do you know that there is a mind blowing secret using which you can increase your height with 3 inches or more In Just 6 Weeks? And that too regardless of your age? There is a little known underground secret to growing taller which no one knows

Causes of Chest Pain - Reasons for Left and Right Sided Chest Pain

Any kind of discomfort or pain sensed in the right or left side of the chest is referred to as chest pain. There are several medical reasons that can be the causes of chest pain. In this article, we find the main reasons for left and right sided chest pain.
Causes of Chest Pain - Reasons for Left and Right Sided Chest Pain
The first thing that comes to our mind when we refer to chest pain, is the fear of an heart attack. However, it is not essential that all types of chest pain are related to heart health. Chest pain can be caused due to non-cardiac problems as well. Sometimes, the pain may not serious and only causes mild inconvenience. However, there are times when chest pain can be an indication of threat to life. Many a times, abdomen pain is mistaken with chest pain. Chest pain due to muscle catch is quite a common occurrence. Suppose, while at a high speed you stop suddenly, you can get a twitch in the muscles of the chest wall. This can result in severe chest pain. Muscle catch can be due to fast breathing or abnormal posture as well.

Causes of Left Sided Chest Pain

Since our heart is located at the left side of the chest, left sided chest pain causes people to panic as heart attack is often thought to be the prime cause of left sided chest pain. It is not so every time. Even minor problems like acid reflux, heartburn or gas can lead to left sided chest pain. The gas formation in the intestines and stomach give an upward thrust on the chest wall that can give rise to a condition of breathlessness or tightness or pain in the chest, which is similar to cardiac pain.

Whenever, there is some mental stress or physical exertion, the heart needs more blood to sustain the heart beat. In case of any blockage in the artery, sufficient amount of oxygen fails to reach the heart and this causes acute pain. This kind of pain is due to heart attack. This pain is usually not confined to only to the chest, but gets extended to the shoulder, the throat and sometimes the jaw. It is accompanied by other symptoms like palpitation, excessive sweating, vomiting or paleness of skin.

Causes of Right Sided Chest Pain

Right sided chest pain is unlikely to be a result of any problem related to the heart. Some of the causes of right sided chest pain can still be dangerous to the health; while others are not serious conditions. The serious causes behind right sided chest pain are: right sided chest pain due to pneumonia, gall bladder diseases or liver inflammation. If there is right sided chest pain, the first thing that needs to be identified is whether the pain is oriented locally or centrally. In some cases, it has been observed that when the gas problems turn severe, an acute pain is experienced by the patient. In these cases, the patient fails to determine whether the origin of the pain is the chest or the abdomen.

The most commonly observed cause of right sided chest pain is gallstones. Gallstones are formed due to crystallization of bile and cholesterol in the gallbladder, which leads to an inflammation of the gallbladder. This type of pain is severe and constant. Right sided chest pain could be the symptom of some liver diseases like hepatitis as well. Though it is not a very common symptom, in certain cases, it has been noticed that prior to the diagnosis of hepatitis, patients have complained of right sided chest pain.

The root cause of left or right sided chest pain needs to be established, before starting of any treatment. Thus, anyone suffering from chest pain should consult the doctor without any delay. In case of any kind of chest pain, electrocardiogram and chest radiograph may be suggested to detect any heart problems. If required, an ultrasound is conducted to detect gallstones and blood test for hepatitis.

By Bidisha Mukherjee

Fat inhibitors : Things to keep in mind before taking them

The weight loss industry has become sizeable with the introduction of many new drugs that claim to be instant or quick weight loss solutions. Some of these drugs may produce good results by helping people with their desired weight loss, however, in many cases most of the drugs prove ineffective. Among the effective weight loss drugs are some fat inhibitors and appetite suppressants.

Xenical is the most popular fat inhibiting drug. Xenical slimming pills, which is available only on a prescription from a doctor. It is generally prescribed to very overweight or clinically obese people to help them lose their extra pounds.

Xenical contains orlistat as its main ingredient that works by blocking about one-third of dietary fats from getting absorbed in the body. The unabsorbed fats that remain in the body generally pass out through normal bowel movements.

Things to keep in mind before taking Xenical
Xenical is a prescription drug, so you need to take it exactly as per the doctor’s directions. Before taking it, you need to ensure that

  1. You aren’t allergic to the active ingredient or inactive ingredients of Xenical
  2. You don’t have certain pancreatic problems
  3. You haven’t had any recent surgery to stomach or intestines

You cal also buy Xenical online. So if you buy it from any online source, then you need to ensure the tablets you receive aren’t torn or tampered. Also check the expiry date on the pack of these tablets.

Moreover, Xenical is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women for their weight loss treatment. It is also not recommended to women who intend to become pregnant. It’s advisable to have your through check up done from a medical doctor before you intend to take Xenical for reducing those extra pounds from your body.

Health & Fitness Article

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Expanded HIV Testing: Benefits May Warrant Costs

Sunday, July 5, 2009

By Lori Whitten, NIDA NOTES Staff Writer

Offering voluntary HIV testing on a routine basis in outpatient health care settings would slow the spread of HIV and improve the survival of many of the estimated 280,000 Americans who are unaware that they are infected. The value of extending HIV screening to relatively low-risk populations in outpatient settings would be on par with the value of routine screening for other common conditions, such as colon cancer, according to two studies funded by NIDA.

Study Predicts Routine Voluntary HIV Testing Would Extend Survival
Graph - Study Predicts Routine Voluntary HIV Testing Would Extend Survival

Compared with HIV detection based on symptoms, routine voluntary HIV testing would enhance the life expectancy of people with the infection by getting them into life-prolonging care earlier. Estimates are based on the assumption that state-of-the-art therapy would be initiated when patients had a relatively favorable CD4 count of 350 cells/m3 as opposed to 175 cells/m3, the average count associated with detection based on symptoms. The CD4 count is a measure of immune system health.

In the United States, about one-quarter of the 1.04 million people estimated to be HIV infected do not know they have the virus. Under current testing guidelines, many of these individuals are likely to remain ignorant of their status for as long as they remain relatively healthy, because they do not belong to any of the high-prevalence subgroups to whom testing is recommended, and only those who live in areas with high infection rates will be screened as hospital inpatients. Meanwhile, their disease advances undiagnosed, compromising their prospects for future health and survival. They remain unaware of the need to take precautions against spreading the infection, and according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), transmit the virus to 27,000 others each year.

Lead investigators in the two studies, Dr. A. David Paltiel of Yale University School of Medicine and Dr. Gillian Sanders of Duke University's Clinical Research Institute, used computer models to determine whether it would be cost-effective to extend routine voluntary screening to subpopulations with moderate prevalence of infection or to the whole population. The models use data on the estimated cost associated with an HIV test, the number of additional people who would be tested and the number of cases likely to be diagnosed sooner (and how much sooner), the greater benefits of therapy in earlier as opposed to later stages of infection, and the number of new infections that will be avoided when people who find out they are infected take precautions against transmission. Their work updates previous cost analyses by incorporating the use of state-of-the-art antiretroviral treatment (HAART) for HIV. The analyses yield estimates of the cost of each additional year of life expectancy that would be gained by expanded testing. Policymakers use such analyses to decide how to allocate funds for health.

Benefits of Early Detection

Dr. Sanders, Dr. Douglas Owens of the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, and their colleagues analyzed a hypothetical group of patients typical of those in general health care settings. The researchers assumed the patients' average age was 43 and their rate of unknown HIV infection was 1 percent, the level at which the CDC recommends routine testing. A 1 percent prevalence of unknown infection is probably high compared with the overall U.S. population (0.1 percent), but lower than high-risk populations currently screened (3 percent). By comparing three different scenarios of HIV detection—symptom-based diagnosis, a one-time voluntary test, testing every 5 years—the researchers were able to assess the lifetime benefits to patients and their partners, as well as the costs, of expanded testing.

The analysis found that one-time HIV testing would increase the life expectancies of individuals in the hypothetical population by an average of 4.7 quality-adjusted days and cost about $15,078 for every year of life gained. Patients whose HIV was discovered earlier and treated sooner would live on average 1.5 years longer as a result of the testing.

The $15,078 figure assumes that earlier HIV detection would reduce the spread of infection by 20 percent. Some such reduction would be likely because once people know they have HIV, they tend to change their behavior to avoid infecting others, and when they start antiretroviral treatment their body fluids become less infectious. If transmission were not reduced, one-time HIV testing in the hypothetical population would cost $41,736 per year of life gained—comparable to the cost-effectiveness of routine testing for colon cancer, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. The researchers further suggested that one-time testing might be justified in terms of value in a hypothetical population with an HIV infection prevalence as low as 0.05 percent.

In the second study, Dr. Paltiel and his colleagues compared current practice with routine voluntary HIV testing among high-risk communities (3 percent prevalence), communities with 1 percent prevalence, and the general population of the United States (0.1 percent prevalence). They estimated that adding a one-time voluntary HIV test to current care for people at high risk of infection would cost $36,000 per life-year gained. Testing a population that meets the 1 percent threshold raises the cost to $38,000—a figure similar to the $41,736 estimate of Dr. Sanders and colleagues. In the high-risk population, testing every 5 years would cost $50,000 per added life-year, rising to $63,000 if testing were done every 3 years. The findings suggest that voluntary testing every 3 to 5 years in all populations except those with the lowest prevalence would increase survival at a comparatively attractive cost by U.S. standards, says Dr. Paltiel. A one-time voluntary screening in the general population may also be cost-effective, but merits further investigation, he adds.

HIV Testing and Other Routine Tests:
Cost-Effectiveness Compared
Test $/QALY* Gained
HIV test: All inpatients† 38,600
HIV test every 5 years: People at high
risk (3% prevalence)†
HIV test one time (1% prevalence)‡
Individual benefit only

Including benefit to others


HIV test one time: U.S. general
population (0.1% prevalence)†
Breast cancer test: Annual
mammogram, age 50-69§
Colon cancer test: FOBT + SIG every
5 years, age 50-85§
Type 2 diabetes test: Fasting blood
glucose, age >25§
Hypertension testing§ 48,000
FOBT indicates fecal occult blood test; SIG, sigmoidoscopy.

*In quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), which account for both longevity and health-related quality of life.
†Paltiel et al. (2005); ‡Sanders et al. (2005); §Adapted from personal communication,
Sanders and Paltiel, 2005.

"Expanding voluntary HIV testing will require an investment—but it delivers better value for money than many other chronic disease testing programs that are routinely used in the United States today," says Dr. Paltiel. Neither research project addressed who should pay for expanded HIV screening, but the findings serve as a springboard for policy discussions involving all people with a stake in the decision. "Cost-effectiveness is just one consideration in policy decisions. Implementing expanded HIV testing also will require people believing it's an important use of limited resources," says Dr. Sanders.

The findings have made an impact in the state with the largest HIV caseload in the nation. Citing the research, the New York State Department of Health has revised its HIV guidelines, urging State health care providers to integrate routine testing into their medical care, use rapid HIV testing, and refer patients with positive test results to care, among other things.

Study Estimates Range of Value Associated With Routine Voluntary HIV Testing
Graph - Study Estimates Range of Value Associated With Routine Voluntary HIV Testing

Dr. Sanders and colleagues estimated that routine HIV testing would be relatively economical even if the prevalence rates of undiagnosed infection were as low as 0.05 percent (half that of the U.S. general population estimate) when reduced transmission to partners is considered (dashed line). Even when transmission is not considered (solid line), HIV testing might be a financially attractive option at prevalence rates well below 1 percent.

"People may think of computer-based analyses as isolated and abstract, but this AIDS modeling program encourages researchers to use findings from a wide range of relevant disciplines and incorporate advice from clinicians," says Dr. Peter Hartsock of NIDA's Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research. "These two studies integrated data from many perspectives, and their results provide rigorous but practical information that can guide the societal discussion of what to do about the problem."