If you have a lot of debt but only a small income then you probably also have a credit rating that is suffering extensively. At this point that might not be the most important thing. You need a way to get out of that debt without ruining your credit completely, while supporting your family.
You can apply to various government grants if you meet the qualifications to reduce that debt and help build up your credit score. Depending on where you debt came from, there could be more than one that suit your needs. If you look over your debt and find out where the bulk of the debt lies, whether it is from your mortgage, business or medical bills amongst other things, then check out those grants. If you apply for more than one, you have a better chance of getting assistance and perhaps more than you might imagine. This being said, do not expect your whole debt to be removed, but you can have up to 60% taken away.
For more information concerning these grant programs visit the United States Federal Government website. They have links on their home page or you can perform a search as well. You may need to take some time in sorting through them to find the ones suitable for you, but the time spent may mean saving thousands of dollars. Application to these grants requires you to drop off the filled out grant forms and other documents if needed to a debt relief agency near you.
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