Compulsive hair pulling or trichotillomania is a surprisingly common problem affecting as many as 2% of the population.
Those suffering with this problem tend to feel an uncontrollable urge to pull their hair out. They may pull hair from anywhere from their head to their eyebrows or pubic regions.
Not surprisingly people can be left feeling very distressed and out of control and need to start to look around for help.
If you are suffering with this problem the tips outlined below will help you.
1)If you are a hair puller next time you're about to pull hair try asking yourself why am I doing this? Every behaviour we do has a positive intention no matter how maladaptive it may seem. Believe it or not your hair pulling is doing something for you. So ask your question and wait for the answer. Your subconscious mind will help you.
2) Just as your about to hair pull ask yourself what am I really feeling? Alot of compulsive behaviour tends to cover up suppressed emotions so begin to ask yourself what you are really feeling. Start to breath into the feelings and you will notice the compulsion changing in intensity.
3)Consider for a minute what the future will look like as a hair puller a year from now or 2 years from now?. See yourself with bald patches if you don't already have them. See and feel yourself still living in this uncontrollable state. Is this how you really want to live or do you want to change? Don't be afraid to attach as much pain to this image as possible. You need to have enough pain attached to the idea of continuing this way in order to stop the habit.
4) Go inside for a moment and ask yourself what you need to do to stop this habit now. Wait for the answer to come. Trust what comes up for you.
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